Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Acupuncture is an ancient technique in which a skilled practitioner inserts hair-thin needles into specific points on the body to prevent or treat illness. Practiced for over 2,500 years in China, where it originated, acupuncture is part of the holistic system of traditional Chinese medicine (TMC), which views health as a constantly changing flow of energy, or qi (pronounced "chee"). In TCM, imbalances in this natural flow of energy are thought to result in disease. Acupuncture aims to restore health by improving the flow of qi. This practice enhances the body natural healing by regulating the energy flow and restoring balance. Hair thin needles are inserted into acupuncture points along the meridians where energy imbalance has been diagnosed. This promotes better blood flow and encourages healing. The patient is left to relax in a softly lit room for about thirty minutes. Patients often fall asleep. On your first visit, a thorough medical history will be needed. Depending on your ailment, the may also have your first acupuncture treatment at this time. In general, visits occur once or twice a week over several months until therapeutic results are achieved. Different people experience different sensations from acupuncture. Most find the sessions relaxing, and many fall asleep during or immediately after treatment. Some people are energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed. Once the needles are inserted (generally from one to 15 are used), the Physician may twist them manually or sent a weak electrical current through them to increase the energy flow. The needles may be left in for 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the ailment. Loose, comfortable cloths should be worn, and you should be aware that the acupuncturist may need to access points on your torso as well as on your arms and legs. While scored of illnesses have traditionally been treated by acupuncture in Asia, its primary use in the United States has been to relieve chronic pain--caused by such ailments as arthritis, headaches, PMS, and back pain--and to assist withdrawal from addictions such as drug and alcohol dependency. www.pricechiropractic.com

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